Saturday, August 3, 2013

From the shelf: Seduced in the Dark (The Dark Duet #2)

Title: Seduced in the Dark (The Dark Duet #2)
Author: CJ Roberts
Genre: Dark, Contemporary Romance
Date read: July 16-27, 2013
Dawn Rates:  (4/5)

Summary (cr: goodreads)


The exciting, titillating, and action-filled conclusion to Captive in the Dark.
What is the price of redemption?
Rescued from sexual slavery by a mysterious Pakistani officer, Caleb carries the weight of a debt that must be paid in blood.

The road has been long and fraught with uncertainty, but for Caleb and Livvie, it’s all coming to an end.

Can he surrender the woman he loves for the sake of vengeance? 

Or will he make the ultimate sacrifice?

Quote: It seemed to Caleb, the nature of human beings revolved around one empirical truth: we want what we cannot have. For Eve, it was the fruit of the forbidden tree. For Caleb, it was Livvie.
My Review: (also in goodreads)

"There are just some things you want but couldn't have." 

This, for me is the theme of the sequel to Captive in the Dark. The story was wittingly written. It wasn't your typical sequel wherein the first sentence happened just seconds from the last sentence of the first book. This happens with Livvie's version of what happened after. And with that, I'm not saying anything anymore to spoil future readers. As usual the sequel was realistic and still dark but somehow within all those twisted scenarios in this book it was a tad bit lighter than the first one (at least for me). Everything and everyone comes into is brought together. And of course, the ending was sort of a cliffhanger...something that screams 'we want more'.

Till  the next read...

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